
CfP: Truth Politics between Science and Society. Political Epistemologies of the 1990s Science Wars

In light of a dwindling public trust in science (Oreskes 2019) and ambiguous calls for a ‘return to truth’ (Cain et al. 2019), understanding the relationship between science and a democratic public, the delineation of appropriate scientific practices, and how to reconcile conflicting interpretations of reality seems to be more relevant than ever. In the 1990s, struggles over these issues culminated in the Science Wars that consisted of a series of heated academic-public discussions, among them the infamous ‘Sokal Hoax’. The Science Wars represent a historic peak and intersection of academic, political, and epistemological debates that had been smoldering for decades before, leaving a contested legacy. A fresh perspective on the Science Wars – one that acknowledges their historical complexity, moves beyond a dualistic framing, and situates them firmly in their historical moment – promises to illuminate the social, political, and cultural ramifications on academia and beyond. The worksho...

CfA: Student Conference Science and Philosophy - Shared History, Diverging Paths? (Hannover, 25-26 July 2025)

We invite  Bachelor’s and Master’s students  to submit their abstracts for a talk at the student conference  Science and Philosophy - Shared History, Diverging Paths?  which will take place on  25-26 July 2025  at  Leibniz University Hannover, Germany . Participation in the conference is free for everyone and  some financial support   is available for international participants . Please find the full call for abstracts and more information, in  our website . Description: The question of the relationship between philosophy and science is as old as the respective practices themselves. In recent debates, however, it may seem as if both have grown out of sync, talking past each other, often with little or no respect for each other’s realm and method, their arguments and positions. Our conference focuses on three main themes to address this gap: I. HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS We will examine  the relationship between philosophy a...

CfP: Making Early Modern Materialism(s)/ Fabriquer le(s) matérialisme(s) (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles)

ENS de Lyon – 30-31 Janvier 2026 This conference, in English and in French, will investigate the contribution made by artisanal and technical practices to materialist thought in early modern scholarly contexts (16th-18th centuries). Materialism is often presented as a 'philosophical discourse produced "on the basis of" or "in the name of" a scientific practice' (Moreau and Wolfe, 2020, our translation), while the history of materialism itself has tended to overlook artisanal know-how, privileging the history of ideas. This situation might be accounted for in two ways. Firstly, any 'formulation, from actual observed occurrences, of assertions that cannot be decided on through experimentation' (Andrault, 2017, our translation) thus involves a 'speculative' aspect. The role played by theorisation has tended to obscure the practical dimensions of the knowledge being mobilised. Our aim is to reverse this perspective, through attention to the shapi...

L'ignorance. Appel de la Revue de métaphysique et de morale

La  Revue de métaphysique et de morale  lance un appel à contributions  sur le thème de  L'ignorance comme état et comme effet . Le dossier sera  coordonné par Mathias Girel. Informations ici:  https://www.puf.com/sites/puf/ files/2025-02/RMM_AAC_ Ignorance.pdf

CfA: PRIN PNRR Conference, Metaphor and Epistemic Injustice in Mental Illness, Cagliari, October 22-24, 2025

University of Cagliari.  Faculty of Humanistic Studies.  Department of Education, Psychology, Philosophy PRIN PNRR CONFERENCE:  Metaphor and Epistemic Injustice in Mental Illness.  Cagliari, October 22-24, 2025 URL:  https://prin.unica.it/meimi/    We are pleased to announce the International Conference “Metaphor and Epistemic Injustice in Mental Illness” organized in the framework of the PRIN PNRR 2022 project having three research units (University of Cagliari, University of Messina and University of Chieti).   Call for Papers The epistemic capacities that people possess are necessary for interpreting the experiences that occur in life. However, when people are not believed and/or are considered unable to interpret their experience due to reasons related to social background, an instance of epistemic injustice occurs, which can severely harm their existence. This might be even more evident in the context of mental illness, when people, due to ne...

CfA: Conference, "Climate, Environment, Psyche and History"

Cross Disciplinary, International Conference:  “Climate, Environment, Psyche and History” Location:  Oct 17-18, Grand Valley State University,  Grand Rapids, Michigan   Organization:  Jason Crouthamel (Grand Valley State University) and Peter Leese (University of Copenhagen) Abstract Goals This conference aims to foster interdisciplinary conversations between the humanities (history, literature, philosophy), social sciences, geography, culture studies, health sciences and other fields dealing with a variety of themes related to human encounters with natural and human-made catastrophes. We want to explore the different ways in which scholars approach how individuals and societies experience environmental trauma, as well as the varieties of traumatic experiences with material environments.  This can include the effects of climate-induced stress on human health, the impact of pathogens (pandemics and other medical disasters), the consequences of envi...

Call for participants: Sabers en construcció / Knowledge (s) in construction

Sabers en construcció / Knowledge (s) in construction First King’s College-CHoSTM and Interuniversity Institute López Piñero encounter around Sabers en acción Valencia, April 4, 2025, Palau de Cerveró. Plaça Cisneros, 4 (Valencia) Live streaming: https://uv-es.zoom.us/j/95620404575 Call for participants On April 4 2025, the López Piñero Interuniversity Institute will organize a meeting with professors and researchers from the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at King's College London to discuss their contributions to a new section and several entries in Saberes en Acción . It is an opportunity to discuss the topics addressed, all of which based on ongoing research projects, but also to discuss their form and function as part of a didactic and popularization tool like Saberes en acción , conceived as a multilingual, online and open access textbook based on the latest perspectives and research findings in history of science, medicine and technolo...

CfP: Truth Politics between Science and Society. Political Epistemologies of the 1990s Science Wars

In light of a dwindling public trust in science (Oreskes 2019) and ambiguous calls for a ‘return to truth’ (Cain et al. 2019), understanding the relationship between science and a democratic public, the delineation of appropriate scientific practices, and how to reconcile conflicting interpretations of reality seems to be more relevant than ever. In the 1990s, struggles over these issues culminated in the Science Wars that consisted of a series of heated academic-public discussions, among them the infamous ‘Sokal Hoax’. The Science Wars represent a historic peak and intersection of academic, political, and epistemological debates that had been smoldering for decades before, leaving a contested legacy. A fresh perspective on the Science Wars – one that acknowledges their historical complexity, moves beyond a dualistic framing, and situates them firmly in their historical moment – promises to illuminate the social, political, and cultural ramifications on academia and beyond. The worksho...

Recurso: Biblioteca de la Lectura en la Ilustración

Portal dedicado a la presentación organizada y al estudio de las fuentes teóricas, hermenéuticas, críticas, literarias y documentales que entre 1750 y 1808 expresaron las ideas conforme a las cuales se debía realizar la lectura. Está compuesta de las siguientes secciones: Biblioteca de libre acceso que permite la consulta de las obras seleccionadas, las cuales se acompañan de su correspondiente descripción bibliográfica, un resumen y, en algunos casos, de la edición parcial o total de su contenido y de su traducción. Documentos donde se han incorporado aquellos textos de diversas instituciones y autoridades dieciochescas relacionados con las prohibiciones y censuras de los libros. Opera minora, sección en que se reúnen textos tales como discursos, cartas, respuestas y otras obras de pequeña extensión que se relacionan directamente con las obras reunidas en Biblioteca digital o que las comentan. Estudios que incorpora monografías, estudios de conjunto y traducciones completas en formato...

CfP: Chat-Token-Vector Symposium Ca 'Foscari University Venice - Deadline April 1

The  Chat Token Vector Symposium: Questioning Models of Language and Neo-Structuralism in AI , on the history, philosophy and consequences of Large Language Models will take place from June 11- 13 at Ca 'Foscari University in Venice. The deadline for abstracts is  April 1  for more information on the symposium please see  https://www.unive.it/web/ en/14779/home   Small travel grants for early career and independent scholars might be available.