Metascience new issue

We are pleased to announce the publication of issue 21.3 of Metascience.
Editors: Stathis Psillos & Theodore Arabatzis

In this issue:

Book Symposia

The cipher of the zodiac
Jed Z. Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz: The zodiac of Paris: How an improbable controversy over an ancient Egyptian artifact provoked a modern debate between religion and science.
Symposiasts: Robert Fox, Charles C. Gillispie, Theresa Levitt, David Aubin, and Jed Z. Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz.

Perspectives on global warming
Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway: Merchants of doubt: How a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming.
Symposiasts: Steven Yearley, David Mercer, Andy Pitman, Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway

Survey Reviews

Telliamed in its time
Claudine Cohen: Science, libertinage et clandestinité à l’aube des lumières. Le transformisme de Telliamed & Francine Markovits (ed.): Telliamed. Vol. No. 59 of Corpus, Revue de philosophie (Corpus des oeuvres de philosophie en langue française)
Reviewer: Kenneth L. Taylor

Quantum information
Vlatko Vedral: Decoding reality: The universe as quantum information & Christopher Fuchs: Coming of age with quantum information: Notes on a Paulian idea
Reviewer: Fedde Benedictus

Emergence and reduction in context: Philosophy of science and/or analytic metaphysics Jakob Hohwy and Jesper Kallestrup (eds): Being reduced: New essays on reduction, explanation, and causation & Mark A. Bedau and Paul Humphreys (eds): Emergence: Contemporary readings in philosophy and science & Antonella Corradini and Timothy O’Connor (eds): Emergence in science and philosophy
Reviewer: Michael Silberstein

Essay Reviews

Pulling apart the quantum's entanglement with the counter culture: How fysiks became physics Trevor Pinch Einstein in the public arena David E. Rowe For a better understanding of causality Alexander Gebharter and Gerhard Schurz The European birth of modern science: An exercise in macro and comparative history John A. Schuster Spotting the Sun: A translation and analysis of three early seventeenth-century works on sunspots Luciano Boschiero A priori knowledge of the way the world works Michael Bishop The heuristics of mechanism discovery Phyllis McKay Illari Rethinking the meaning of mechanism in antiquity Jean de Groot The long cold nuclear winter Jacob Darwin Hamblin Marxist roots of science studies Nils Roll-Hansen

Reviews on
Philosophy of Science
History of Science

Thematic sections on
History and philosophy of the environmental and earth sciences History and philosophy of physics Metaphysics of science Early modern science Social studies of science

In the website of Metascience you can also have access to forthcoming reviews that appear online first.

Some of the forthcoming reviews (available online first):

Survey Reviews

Votes and lab coats: Democratizing scientific research and science policy Wiebe E. Bijker, Roland Bal, and Ruud Hendriks: The paradox of scientific
authority: The role of scientific advice in democracies & Mark B. Brown: Science in democracy: Expertise, institutions, and representation & Massimiano Bucchi: Beyond technocracy: Science, politics and citizens & Michel Callon, Pierre Lascoumes, and Yannick Barthe: Acting in an uncertain world: An essay on technical democracy & Philip Kitcher: Science in a democratic society
Reviewers: Gürol Irzik and A. Faik Kurtulmuş

Science and metaphysics in Aristotle’s philosophy J. G. Lennox & Robert Bolton (eds): Being, nature, and life in Aristotle:
Essays in honor of Allan Gotthelf &
Mariska Leunissen: Explanation and teleology in Aristotle’s science of nature & Tony Roark: Aristotle on time: A study of the Physics
Reviewer: Michail Peramatzis

Essay Reviews

Getting into the driver’s seat
Michael S. Mahoney: Histories of computing
Reviewer: Willard McCarty

Faye’s naturalistic reconstruction of the humanities Jan Faye: After postmodernism: A naturalistic reconstruction of the humanities
Reviewer: C. Mantzavinos

Ruetsche on the pristine and adulterated in quantum field theory Laura Ruetsche: Interpreting quantum theories
Reviewer: Hans Halvorson

How (and how not) to object to objects: Developments in structural realism Elaine M. Landry and Dean P. Rickles (eds): Structural Realism: Structure, object and causality
Reviewer: Kerry McKenzie

Thinking about Achinstein’s philosophy of science Gregory J. Morgan (ed.): Philosophy of science matters: The philosophy of Peter Achinstein
Reviewer: Mark Newman

Getting the world right: Cognitive maps and pictures of universals Paul M. Churchland: Plato’s camera: How the physical brain captures a landscape of abstract universals
Reviewer: Athanassios Raftopoulos

The Vickers key to Bacon’s (English) works Francis Bacon: The major works
Reviewer: Rose-Mary Sargent

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